Saturday, June 20, 2015

Demi : Hi sir! How's it going? Thanks for giving me the chance to do this interview.

Abah Supriyanto : Hi mates, we're doin fine right now and we're currently on progress for making the next release "Ancestor" and of course writing new materials for upcoming album

Demi : So first of all, can you tell me the history about Warkvlt? When did you start this band?

Abah Supriyanto : Warkvlt founded after the downfall of Impish, which we caused all of us have to quit that band and reformed under different name, and we chose Warkvlt because its ressembled to first Impish album and had a 'strength' that we should carry under that name . Warkvlt was founded June, 23rd 2013.

Demi : Why are named Warkvlt? whether the name has a special meaning?

Abah Supriyanto : Warkvlt were taken from the combination between two letters, war and occultus, which can be described as war occulti of the occult of war instead. We choosed this name as mentioned from answer no.2 above that warkvlt name had a strength that we should carry under that name , and we feel that warkvlt fit as a name for our new band

Demi : Back in 2011 the band still called Impish, and most of the lyrical theme are about accult, and myths. So why did you decide to change the lyrical theme to nationalism, and patriotism?

Abah Supriyanto : Yes, Impish carried the general themes that implied in many black metal bands nowadays, and in Warkvlt we changed the idea and themes more directly into war, focused in Indonesian war of independence and carried the nationalism and patriotism brought more change to the lyrics and also musical composition . In more simple terms, for warkvlt we try to tell people " hey this is a new band, new concept as Warkvlt , not Impish anymore "

Demi : After the success of your album titled Merdeka, how the response you got from the local metalheads?

Abah Supriyanto : We think that 'success' is not the right word for Merdeka release We think Merdeka were accepted by local metal scene, accepted as new idea, accepted as a new concept and accepted as a new band for Warkvlt. We have received mix review, positive and negative but mostly in Positive review

Demi : I really like the cover arwork of your album "Merdeka". Who's the artwork maker?

Abah Supriyanto : Jenglot Hitam from Jogja had done a great job for it

Demi : Do you feel satisfied about the band's achievement?

Abah Supriyanto : We feel in Warkvlt, had done some good achievement today and of course we have bloody hell satisfied for that, and had a chance to perform in Rock in Solo ,Hammersonic were a best of our experience and achievement so far

Demi : What band that influences you the most in terms of musical style?

Abah Supriyanto : our musical influence were taken mostly from old classic thrash metal bands, such as Sodom , Kreator and combined with Bathory, Dissection ,Marduk, Impiety and Infernal War

Demi : List your top 5 favorite local black metal releases.

Abah Supriyanto : haha it's a hard one, because mostly I love many local BM releases so far, but heres the list :
1. Vallendusk : Black Clouds Gathering
2. Ex Inferis : Angra Mainyu
3. Sereignos : Total Havoc
4. DJiwo : Cakra Bhirawa
5. Dry : Untaian Legam

Demi : Do you think that the local black metal scene has been developed so far?

Abah Supriyanto : Developed, evolved to better era, and many described this era to the 2nd wave of Indonesian black metal scene We grow so far to much more educated as musician, and as a fans we found that many fans has a brighter and smarter vision and idea than we do, compared to the 90s Indonesian BM scene,indeed.

Demi : Do you and the other band members have any plan further to play outside the Indonesia?

Abah Supriyanto : Several offers had plunged into our wolf's lair and we have to rethink and reconcider for playing abroad, just waiting for right moment and fair deals for that

Demi : What's your hope for local black metal scene?

Abah Supriyanto : All that we hope that many scenester in Indonesia have a great mutual respect each other . If we have some good scene here, we think many great album will come as a result to this good scene. Good scene is built with good simbiosis between fans, musician, EO and also record label, so hopefully this synergy will growth in positive way .. yeah we hope so

Demi : Ok, that's it. Thanks a lot for your time! Do you have any last message for Nusantara Hellstorm's readers?

Abah Supriyanto : Many thanks for the support and interview for Warkvlt, stay strong !!!


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