Saturday, March 7, 2015

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The Bandung's Death Metal movement never dies. This is evident by the appearance of a new quality band called "Pourriture". The band's name took a french word "pourriture" which means rotten in English. The band was formed in 2011 begins with the starting line-up : Dika, Bhey, Angga and Egi. In the beginning of 2012, Egi forced to leave the band for unknown reason, and finally replaced by Junior. Back in that time, the band was released 1 single song titled "Mirza Ghulam Ahmad". This year, the band finally released a Promo CD, contains 3 songs : 1. Misi Patahkan Tradisi 2. Pondasi Singgasana Manufaktur 3. Panorama Fase Menggila.

And guess what? The drummer of the band asked me to review their Demo and agreed to send it to me! After I got the CD, I promise to review the CD as soon as possible!


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