Thursday, June 18, 2015

Demi : Helo! How's it going there?

Januaryo (PerDex) : Good as always bro! Go to work, back to home, work again at home. Everyday hahaha.

Demi : So I'm really curious about the development about your project Perverted Dexterity, Could you explain how did you start this brutal project?

Januaryo (PerDex) : Ah okay! I started PerDex when I was in high school, after my past band splited up. It previously named Infested Flesh. But I changed the name and re-arrange the concept with more serious mindsets.

Demi : After the success of your debut titled "Primitive Scene of Inhumanity", when the album is going to be made?

Januaryo (PerDex) : I don't know hahaha. Now I'm currently working for PerDex split release this year with another one-man band from different country. It will be sick 2-Way split I ever done hahaha. And about the 2nd album, maybe I will do it next year or...I don't know hahaha. No idea. I'm just following my mind and let it all flows.

Demi : What kind of lyrical theme do you use the most in your previous album?

Januaryo (PerDex) : I was interested with gore, bloody materials, and sadistic story to create all lyrics. But, I mixed them with pre-historical mind, figure, and streamline. I always love to watch epic films, in other side I love slasher films also, so I mixed them. And...the Goblin! He was may favorite figure and always will be in my album hahaha.

Demi : For the next material, any plan to change the muscial style?

Januaryo (PerDex) : Of course not. But I will develop my writing style, riffing, and musical structure to be more mature.

Demi : How is the response of metalheads you got after the success of your previous album "Primitive Scene of Inhumanity"?

Januaryo (PerDex) : Oh yeah! Of course that was awesome. When you are doing something new and everyone like it much, its a dream came true. All friends was awesome! Giving supports and still buying my merchandise, CDs, tapes, and everything.

Demi : So far, do you feel satisfied about your current achievement?

Januaryo (PerDex) : Hahaha no bro! I would never satisfied. Still learning other things and doing my best for extreme musick consumers hahaha.

Demi : So what band that influence you the most? In terms of lyrical and musical?

Januaryo (PerDex) : So many bands. But I would like to say Brodequin, Disgorge, Stench of Dismemberment, Suffocation, Gorgasm. I almost spin their CD everytime.

Demi : I would like to know about your prespective about the Indonesian metalscene. What do you think about the current development of the local scene?

Januaryo (PerDex) : Indonesian own the 2014 - 2015. Albums every months, new bands every week, promos/demos every minutes. So fucking crazy! And now we got the highest attention from motherfuckers around the world.

Demi : Do you any negative things arround the local scene?

Januaryo (PerDex) : I don't know what is this means but if you mean is negative things around us, its about the trends hahaha. The trends without learning the roots, no mindsets, and no passions.

Demi : So, what's your biggest hope for the local scene?

Januaryo (PerDex) : The scene is now at the highest place of all hope in other people's interviews hahaha. I just want to say, come on keep the flame, keep the spirit, and keep the roots alive! The older people guide the younger, and the younger people can give something new. Fuck all bad seniority, fuck all young rockstars attitude, we all are in the same place so fuck it all! And the most important thing is...please increase your sense of humour hahaha.

Demi : Ok...Thanks a lot for your time bro, I really appreciate it. So do you have any last message for all Nusantara Hellstorm's readers?

Januaryo (PerDex) : My pleasure bro! Thanks for having me. Appreciate it! Its the first time I'm talking with you, so I hope your e-zine always consistant, neutral, and keep the scene alive! Hails!

Interview made in June 18 2015


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